morning my friends, how are you today?? now i'm post the text contains a historical story, wich tells about the history of an Islamic khalifa Sulaiman Bin Abdul Malik.
He was named Sulaiman Bin Abdul Malik. Abu Ayyub vocation. He was one of the best of the Umayyad caliph.

While the people who narrated the hadith from him is; his own son Abdul Wahid and Az Zuhri.
He was known as someone who is fluent in speaking, a brilliant orator, just in the act, like war. He was born in the year 60 AH On the other hand Sulaiman himself very much in love lives of the world. Even deluded himself with life, he was one of the youths known as the Quraysh even arab youth. He has the properties owned by the youth as a brave, noble, strong, despite his good nature.
Among his actions are good and stand out is that he makes Umar bin Abdul Aziz is like the prime minister. He was much followed the suggestions Umar bin Abdul Aziz. He's a lot of people dismiss Al Hajjaj and release the prisoners in Iraq. He started the prayer at the beginning of time after the Umayyad mengakhirkan time off to pray.
Ibn Sirin said, "May Allah bestow His grace and mercy to Sulayman bin Abdul Malik. He has opened the door by turning khilafahnya prayer at the beginning time and ending with the appointment of Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
At one season, he saw a lot of people, then he said to Umar bin Abdul Aziz: "What do you think these people are not able to count them except Allah and no one gives good luck but he? 'Umar replied:" O Commander of the Faithful, today they are the people, and later they will become your enemy. Then he too wept and said: "Only to God I ask for help."
Sulaiman prohibit singing and music. He is famous as the man who ate a lot. In one meeting he could eat six hundred pomegranates, and of goats, six chickens, and the wine that has been dried.
Some are saying in one meal can 40 chickens.
Yahya Al Ghassani said: "Solomon never saw his face in the mirror. He was very fascinated by the courage and good looks. He said: "Muhammad was a prophet, Abu Bakr Siddiq was, Umar Al-Faruq was, 'Uthman as a very shy man, while Mu'awiyah was a very forbearing, patient person who Yazid, Abdul Malik as a politician, while Al Walid is a cruel, and I was a king who was very young and powerful. "
Less than a month of events that he passed away. He died on Friday, December 10 Shafar 99 H.
During his reign some of the areas conquered bias. Among other Jurjan, Hishn Al Hadid, Saradaniyah, Syaqa (a city in Armenia), and the city Thubristan Slavic. Obsession to be achieved by Sulaiman was opened Constantinople. He wants to be the opening of the country. Historians tell that from the beginning, they say, "He asked for advice to Nushair and Musa bin Abdul Malik bin Maslamah about it. Both are two great commanders. Moses said to conquer a long-term plan should be drawn up by mastering the forts that led to Constantinople as a whole one by one until he came to Constantinople. It is viewed by Maslamah as a matter of time because it takes a minimum of 15 years. Better to invade Constantinople directly from land or sea with a large army, and then open the fortresses of the Sham with ease. Solomon agreed Maslamah opinion and began to prepare the opening of Constantinople. He prepared the troops in the area adjacent to the Roman Dabiq. He prepared the troops of more than 100 thousand personnel from the ground to attack Constantine. In his plan, he will be attacked by land or sea Constantine. Most of the Arab countries agree upon the delivery of Constantinople is prime, but the Romans attacked them first supported by the cold winds and harsh. Mentioned all the logistics of goods belonging to Muslim troops to Constantinople was taken by the Romans. That's because the Lion who shows the path taken by Maslamah was deceived and betrayed. Constantinople had been expelled the previous inhabitants Lion for fear of leading them. He gave suggestions to the Maslamah to stay away from Constantinople some time later he would guarantee the city would surrender. Then he ordered the residents to pick up supplies when the Arabs brought them away from Constantinople. He was part of some historians say, and we do not know the truth of this history, which obviously as typhoons and cold air supplies and at least nearly finished them, so most of them died, and some hunger. Even mentioned that some of them eat carrion and finished it with kegagaln expansion. And now it appears that the method adopted by Musa bin Nushair are more suitable.
Some of the men who died in his reign is Qoisbin Hazim, Labid bin Mahmud al Hasan bin Ali bin Al Hussein, Kuraib (a former slave of Ibn Abbas), Abdurrahman bin Al Aswad's Nakho'I and others.
- Nuzhatul Fudhola 'knows best Tahdheeb Nubala Lil Addzhabi Imam Shamsuddin Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Uthman Addzahabi
- Tarikh Khulafa: Imam Suyuti
- Umayyad dynasty, Dr. yusuf al-'Ish
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